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Strictly Thrifty is a fashion blog based completely around the art of thrifting and creativity of making old clothing look new once again. Believe it or not, a lot of people find themselves wanting to go but not knowing "how" to thrift. It is a lot easier than you think but this site is to motivate you a little bit more.


Strictly Thrifty will highlight some great finds from various thrift stores and even various locations. Also, who doesn't like saving money? Each item highlighted will let you know how much was spent and where it came from.  While thrift store items are one of a kind 99% of the time, at least you will know what you are in for.  If you ever have any ideas, want to show us your own personal finds, and want to be a part of the #ThriftMovement, let us know by filling out the contact form here.


On a weekly basis, expect new videos, new thrift tips, and new highlights on some amazing vintage items.  Make sure you subscribe to stay in the loop and not miss a thing!  Also, find us on all social media outlets and sites for exclusive posts.


Facebook: Strictly Thrifty

Tumblr: strictly-thrifty

YouTube: Strictly Thrifty

Twitter: StrictlyThrifty

Instagram:  strictlythrifty

The Creator:  Fashion Blogger Chloe S.


"Like most of my other ideas, Strictly Thrifty came out of nowhere however it did have a very large foundation.  I am a very avid thrifter and thrift at least twice a week.  It is kind of like an addiction to be honest.  My first website, had finally started to pick up on publicity and followers and I was trying to think of what else can be added to the site.  I needed something weekly that would keep the attention of the audience and give them a reason to come back to my site and/or social media pages.  Because of my frequent Salvation  Army trips, I came up with #WinningWednesday where every week I would highlight an item (that I happened to thrift) in an outfit I wore.  The idea was simple because almost every outfit I wore had at least one thrifted piece.  The problem with this came when I realized that 1. I had way more clothes than I could keep up with on a weekly basis, 2. Some thrifted things I have had for so long I had forgotten the prices so I couldn't share that information, and 3. It was way too much content and did not coincide all the way with the theme of Chloe Has Curves (which is built strictly to highlight and bring awareness to small businesses).  So, Strictly Thrifty was born.  Because of questions I get, there is never too much to say about thrifting and vintage, just like there is only one of everything at a thrift store."

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